What about WINTER?
What does going green, ADHD kids, and winter weather have in common? Read on a find out.
Picture the scene: a fresh snowfall has coated the landscape, making everything glisten with magic. After waiting on pins and needles to hear from the school, you get the update that there is NO DELAY. Suddenly, it’s all hands on deck to get the kiddo to school at 7:30 AM, equipped for whatever winter disaster awaits beyond the comfort of home.
Then, in an un-caffinated haze, you make the fatal mistake. Like a rookie in the bullpen, you ask your dear, sweet, highly impulsive cherub of a second grader, “do you have your gloves?”
He proceeds to empty-- nay--- DUMP his entire backpack contents onto the floor, followed succinctly by the bin of mittens/gloves/hats. Before your eyes, pencils and ear warmers swirl together to form an argyle minestrone soup from hell.
Then, with the sweetest, most determined voice he says, “let me see.''

With three innocent words, you feel every other hair on your once blonde head turn gray instantly, like a pop-it of acute parental stress.
Two years ago, I started using gallon or quart size plastic bags to keep mittens, gloves, and hats organized in my kids’ bags. It sort of worked. Right and left mittens were kept ready to go, but the bags were rarely closed and constantly mixed up by both kids.
Open bags created wet snow drips in backpacks, on benches, and over the floor. Best yet- we discovered why wet snow gear does not mingle well with school-required iPads and headphones.

Fun fact: once a school assistant at school PUT our WET BOOTS on top of the headphones case, but that’s another story (more gray hairs popping up).
The Solution:
Small and medium wet bags are now my go-to for the winter gear that must travel back and forth between school.
- It keeps stuff organized and seals off the grime from other items in the bag.
- Personalization helps to avoid confusion. When the bag says, “KID’S HAT AND MITTENS GO IN HERE, PLEASE DO NOT PUT WET ITEMS NEAR ELECTRONICS”, it really helps to keep things tidy (disclaimer: I teach small children and know assistants and teachers are doing their literal best; I also do not recommend putting that much personalization on a bag).
- Color coded bags are great for kids who are pre- or emerging readers. More importantly, it helps give some independence and responsibility to my kid.
- Zippers have a higher success rate that zip-locked plastic bags.
Now when I ask, “check your mittens bag - do you have a clean pair?”, he knows right where to look and to stash some if needed. The reverse is true, too - he easily finds what he needs for recess and knows to put it back in RIGHT AWAY once he’s done.
Since we made the switch, more items come home than ever before.
The larger bags work well for boots, too. Consider yourself a blessed parent if you’ve never pulled out a pair of filthy winter boots shoved in your kid’s backpack next to a folder, an important piece of paper, his not-so-cheap Pottery Barn Kids lunchbox, and iPad. That’s a lot of grime and slush to scrub off things that your kid needs again the next morning. It's much simpler to pull the boots out of the wet bag, rinse the wet bag in the sink, and hang to dry for the morning.
A strap also means he can carry the bag separately, giving his back and backpack a break. {Side note: I’ve been knocked into before with my kids’ overstuffed backpack and those things are a weapon - disarm your kids!}
And to all of you who live somewhere warm, where your kids don’t have cold gear they drag back and forth from school… GOOD FOR YOU.
The rest of us--- stock up on adorable, practical, reusable bags from the Everyday Green. Remember to join our email list for a 20% off coupon!

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